How To Stop Mould
How To Stop Mould
Did you know that “How to stop mould in bedroom” AND “What causes mould in a
house” are two of the most searched terms on Google in England recently?
This is hardly surprising given the astronomical hike in heating bills that we are
experiencing and the role that heating and ventilation plays in mould growth.
So what’s the solution? Uniting together in refusing to pay our energy bills thus
sending a message to the big corporations that WE have the power which in turn will
make it impossible for the government to ignore us, as the #DontPay movement
suggests? Sorry…wrong blog! ��
While supporting grass roots movements such as this could well be the solution to
the BIGGER issue, let’s look at some immediate changes that you can make in order
to solving the issue of mould growth in your property!
Mould growth on surfaces in the home is usually the result of condensation caused
by an imbalance in atmospheric conditions. A house that has too much moisture in
the air and not enough ventilation will be susceptible to surface mould growth
especially given the current reluctance to switch on the heating and open the
As we have mentioned in last month’s post, warm walls = cheaper energy bills you
will get less condensation if your home is warm most of the time. Even if it is
unoccupied during the day, leaving the heating on low will maintain an atmosphere
that is unlikely to support mould growth.
The more moisture in your home the greater the risk of condensation unless there is
adequate ventilation. Try opening
the windows a little and doing it
periodically: Ten minutes in the
morning and ten minutes in the
evening will really help to disperse
the moisture laden air that builds
up within the atmosphere.
Moisture Production
These are the main areas of moisture production in the home are:
Kitchen – Put lids on pots and pans + use an externally ventilated extractor fan
Bathroom – Shower and bathe with the door closed + use an externally ventilated
extractor fan
Utility room – Tumble dryers should be self-condensing. If not they must be vented
through an external wall to exhaust the moist air.
If the above rooms do not have adequate ventilation, then you should consider
mechanical moisture management a.k.a humidty tracking fans.
Mould Removal
O.K…THIS is why you came here!
Mould growth over surfaces can be removed by a specialist mould wash and
enhanced protection provided by paint and wallpaper paste additives which can be
sourced and purchased from specialist companies that can be found on the internet.
We particularly like the range of products from
(Disclosure: We have no affiliation to this
If you are looking for an even cheaper solution
then by washing down the surface with diluted white vinegar you will inhibit the
growth of mould.
The above is only treating the symptom (mould) and not the cause (condensation)
and as we all know; prevention is better than cure!
Is your home already suffering with condensation-related issues? Get these
problems resolved as soon as you can with help from the professionals. Whether it’s
damp problems or mould development in North and West London, Hertfordshire or
Buckinghamshire the experts at Avant Garde Damp Solutions can survey your
property and suggest solutions to combat the issue.
Simply get in touch to discuss your needs.