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How to prevent condensation in your home

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How to prevent condensation in your home

Get ready because autumn and winter are almost here. While it’s nice to hunker down and get cosy in these colder months, you may notice condensation getting worse in your home – or you may even spot the beginnings of a problem that wasn’t there previously. This is especially true if you own an older property that might not be kitted out with preventative measures.

Don’t worry though – you still have time to prepare. In this article, we’ll take you through what causes condensation and how to stop condensation from happening in your home. 

What causes condensation? 

Simply put, condensation is caused by warm air meeting a cold surface. During the cooler months, central heating can exacerbate this issue because our windows are closed and the heating is high, increasing humidity – and so it’s in autumn or winter that you may start to notice the first signs of condensation. 

Everyday activities such as cooking, showering and doing laundry can also increase this humidity in your home and contribute to the formation of condensation. That’s why it tends to be bathrooms, kitchens and other moisture-rich areas that primarily suffer with the problem. 

The problem with condensation

Condensation can begin as a small niggle, but if left unresolved can develop into something more troublesome. For example, mould can gradually grow, leading to sinus and skin problems for those living in your home, not to mention that it looks unappealing. 

Water from condensation can also lead to the decay of window frames or discolouration of furniture or soft window dressings. In high-moisture and poorly ventilated areas it may even lead to decay of floor timbers and other areas. 

How do I prevent condensation in my home? 

If you’re ready to do battle with condensation this autumn, here are some tips that can help you ward it off: 

  • Wipe down damp surfaces after use, for example showers or baths, and clean up any condensation when you notice it 
  • Boost the ventilation in your home by adding window and wall vents 
  • Make sure you have extraction fans installed in your bathroom and kitchen, and that they are kept clean and functional
  • Buy a dehumidifier online and set it up in the most hard-hit rooms of your home to extract some excess moisture 
  • Try and dry out clothes either outside or in a utility room, if you have one 
  • Attempt to maintain a constant temperature in your home, where possible. Though, we understand this can be difficult in temperamental British weather! 
  • Keep the lids on your saucepans when cooking – this will also help food cook faster, 
  • In the most bitter winter months, the last thing you’ll want to do is open the windows – but even opening them a crack for a few hours a day can help reduce condensation. Just put a few extra layers on if you decide to follow this tip!  

How do I fix damage from condensation? 

Is your home already suffering with condensation-related issues? Get these problems resolved as soon as you can with help from the professionals. Whether it’s damp problems or mould development, the experts at Avant Garde Damp Solutions can survey your property and suggest solutions to combat the issue. 

If you’re searching for damp proofing solutions, damp surveys, basement waterproofing, rot treatment or traditional building repairs in the North and West London areas, the team at Avant Garde Damp Proofing can help. Our surveyors are fully trained by the Property Care Association, making us a trustworthy expert you can rely on. Simply get in touch to discuss your needs. 
